Our Services

Popular Services

  • Infant, child, adult and older adult care
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Weight Loss
  • Physical exams
  • Bloodwork
  • DOT Physicals
  • Free blood pressure screenings
  • Free diabetes screenings
  • Immunizations
  • TB skin tests
  • PAP Smears and breast exams
  • Work and Sports physicals
  • Vision screenings
  • Diabetes and high blood pressure management
  • Asthma and other lung disease management; cough & cold treatment
  • Management of musculoskeletal and neurological problems; thyroid disease management
  • Management of skin conditions
Hands of Hope Health Care | Health Care in Mobile, AL
Hands of Hope Health Care | Health Care in Mobile, AL

Other Services

  • Collaborate with other disciplines of health to promote comprehensive care
  • Participate in community health promotion and disease prevention efforts
  • Participate in medication assistance programs to provide no-to-low cost medications
Hands of Hope Health Care | Health Care in Mobile, AL

New Patients

New patients are always welcome at Hand of Hope Healthcare Center.

Hands of Hope Health Care | Health Care in Mobile, AL

Insurance Information

Hands of Hope Health Care Center, Inc. accepts Medicaid, All Kids, Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, Tricare, United Health, Cigna and Aetna. Individuals without insurance pay $50.00 a visit. A valid photo ID is required to be seen at the clinic.

Hands of Hope Health Care | Health Care in Mobile, AL

Patient Portal

Hands of Hope provides our patients with a Patient Portal, where patients can log into a secure online account and view test results, request prescription refills, pay bills, email securely with our practice, and more.